Intergraded Heat Pump – Geysers System
If you are serious about reducing your electrical consumption, then the IHP geyser is for you.
Heat pumps are more efficient than the conventional geyser, can save you up to 80 % on
your electrical bill. It can heat you water for less that boiling a kettle.
The IHP geyser only uses 0.63 kw. Reducing your power usage, saves you money and reduces your back – up requirements.
(i.e. Back up inverters/ batteries). So the IHP geyser is the one geyser that can be added to your back – up inverter system.

- IHP – geyser comes in 200L & 300L capacity.
- Heating consumption – 0.63 kw.
- IXP 4 – water resistant rating
- Sleek stainless steel exterior.
- IOS & Android app support.
- Warranty is 5 year.